Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 35- Arca de Pino- SANTIAGO!!!!!!! 0km left! We made it, woo hoo.

Well, we are here, and let me tell you, it is an amazing feeling, to have walked 800km and then get to an amazing Cathedral, though old, it still has its own thing about it. We walked in with Cesar and Kate, and yes, cesar and I were singing "I AM COW HEAR ME MOOOOO!!!" as loud as we could. we found ourselves a nice hostal so we are staying there for the night, and then tomorrow we are going to probably part ways. I just have to say that it feels soo good to be done, but it feels like we are just taking a day off, but no, we are done! no more hiking for a while, maybe do the Portugal route one of these years.
While walking in, we had to stop at a place called Monto Golso, it was the first time that you could see Santiago, and you could just see the towers of the Cathedral. It was probably the best feeling I have felt before, just knowing that we did it, with the pain, but we made it. I was almost in tears but not quite. It still hasnt sunk in that we are done though.
So to all of you that have been faithfully reading everyday, I thank you so much, I would not have done this if you were not reading and leaving comments, so I thank you so much, you comments often made the hard days easier. Mom, we miss you so much and cant wait to see you. And same with all my sisters and brothers and nieces and nephews. We will be there soon.
So to holland we go, that shall be exciting. Going to a great soccer game, so that will be good. But the best thing of the summer, besides doing the hike, will be coming home to all my family and friends, cannot wait.
Well, there is a coke waiting for me at a bar up the road, and a proud and relaxed father, and two great new friends, so I shall leave it at this.
I will enter His gates with thanks giving in my heart.
Thank you


Jason said...

I can't help but think of the song..'We did it, we did it, Los Hacimos, yeah!'...from the end of Dora(even has spanish!!) So way to go guys! I shall miss reading/walking with you everyday, but am excited you're that much closer to coming home! Say hi ti Opa and Miny for us and enjoy the holiday part of your holidays! :P
Have fun! Love you and miss you.~Laura
Hallelujah, Praise the Lord

Anonymous said...

You guys are amazing. What a wonderful sense of accomplishment. Hope you enjoy your trip to Finisterre. You didn't answer my question about Frederico and his dad.

Were you disappointed that you couldn't see Santiago from a distance? I was! Enjoy Holland and the soccer match you are going to!


PS We're finally getting some summer here.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I have been reading your blog off and on. Congrats on the long journey you guys have experienced a lot in the past month :) Have a safe rest of your trip out there!

Anonymous said...

Wow congratulations - if I had been there, I for sure would have cried - but then I'm a woman.
To be able to say that you walked that far is quite an accomplishment. God is good!
Jenny H

Anonymous said...

good job guys way too go, hey jakob you missed a good soccer turni!!!!! we didnt win but oh well ill talk to you on the phone bye

TBH said...

Congratulations, Klaas and Jakob! I've only just caught up with reading the last two weeks of your blog, as we moved and had no internet for a few weeks. By now you should be at home, hope it's not too anti-climatic! Your blog was wonderful, humorous and informative. Thank you for writing every day, so that we could keep track of you.
I am so impressed with your accomplishments! Way to go!