Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day 11, Thursday-Santo Domingo De Calzada- Belorado-559.9km left.

The hike started at 802km
Well, today was around 24 km, not bad right, wrong. It started off all good, nice and cool. we got to the first town and had breakfast. Today we went into a new province, we were in La Rioja now we are in Castilla y Leon. So like usual betty was way ahead of us, not even in sight. mrs. Ewald, my dad and I stayed together today. 11 km of the 24 today were beside the highway, so it was not that nice. But the parts that were not beside the highway were beautiful. Today we also saw these little kittens and dogs, they were really cute. So we are here, and it is around 35 degrees, verz little humidity, and the pool that we just went swimming in, yes pool I will explain, is only 25 degrees.
While walking today we saw these posters for a alberquerque, and it had a pool on it. Right away mrs. Ewald and I said "we are staying there" So after a long day we got here and we found out that it was only donation, dad and I payed 5€ each. So, we have our own showers, pool, supper, and breakfast. No talk about nice albequerque.
Now I am going to tell you about my crappy sleep. Dad and I both thought that it was going to be to hot to have the sleeping bags, so we didnt both taking them out. After half way through night I woke up because it was so cold. The guz beside me did use the blanket that was on his bed so I stole his. I was still cold though. After that I did not have that much more sleep.
Well, I hope the weather gets better for you people in Smithers, and in Holland, it is only going to get hotter here. In two days we will be in Burgos and then dad and I are going to take a one day break, and that is where Betty and Mrs. Ewald are going to leave us.
Well I am out of time. We miss all of you, and reallz appreciate the comments. Sorry for the late post last night.
Bueno Dias


Anonymous said...

My, you had mixed emotions about this it wasn't hard to think of good/bad things...from hot day to cold night; city to country scenery.
I have the feeling you need a break in a few days and it will be a good thing to do.
No apology necessary...this blog is on your time and that is fine.
Smithers could use some Spanish heat...
stay cool, gloria

Anonymous said...

Hi Jakob

Nice to hear you are able to swim finally , 35 wow thats hot.
Like gloria said tae a break some time and enjoy spain.
Rioja is famous forhis fine wines.Taste any off them?? And off course you are taking a few bottles with you for your favorit uncle to say thanks that you bought me those tickets.

Have fun and keep walking

Laura said...

A break sounds what you guys need! And lots of sightseeing too. I am very excited to see all the pictures and hear all the other stories. So I guess from now on it'll be sleepbags every night no matter how hot?! :)
Love you both, and miss you too!

Anonymous said...

Oliver Schoer (the fiddler) who started all this, died on July 3rd. He had cancer. The Interior news has a story this week. Enjoy the Rioja (Only Klaas of course)and the warm weather. We miss you, it is very quiet in Smithers without you!!!! Truus

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work guys, sounds like you're off to a good start; its great to hear your stories and the details.
-Aaron Shupe

Anonymous said...

hey buddy ole pal. read ur blog this morn, and all day i wuz thinking on u guys. Hey have a good wonderful, relaxing, nonhiking, nonsweating, nonblister, nonlegpain, nonwalking, nonstrenuous day tomorrow. Relax, take a look around, do megga shopping for me, just take it easy and really RELAX. Hey I listened to two songs today in the truck, had the volume up to 29, thinking of u 2. Oh brothers lets go down to the pond, oh sisters, Alayna sang along, sounded pretty cool, then another song, this one is for dad tho, I will walk 500 miles, and I will walk 500 more.....,,,,da te dum dum, ja u can sing and harmonize that one with dad. Hey u 2 have a good one, God bless, and rub dem sore feet and shins, take note of the landscape, and never mind as to what time u post ur blog. Its always interesting to read. Hey Jakob, Snaslund is ginna go to NY. trish
ps. hi aaron, mrs trok

Anonymous said...

oh i forgot to say hi to thea in london. hi thea
and to uncle rebecca, uncle julia and uncle emily
trish and uncle trish

TBH said...

I have almost as much fun reading trish's comments as I do the blog!!