Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 18- Fromista-Corrion del Condor- 422.9km left

Well, that sleep was a little better. I had a comfy bed, and dad had to sleep on the top bunk last night because I made him, no he offered. but I woke up twice, once because it was too warm and the other time because it was too cold. We were out of the door by 6:30. and eating breakfast by 7:30. I had a jamon and queso Bocadillos, and dad had a tortilla. He had a coffee con leche, and I had a cola coa. There was this dog there ,that the guy said in spainish that we couldn´t quite understand, came to his shop every morning and he gave him a huge chunk of meat. those of you that know my dog roo, this dog was kinda like her in a way, he didn´t chew his food, just glupped it down. After that very large sandwich, we carried on hiking. Kind of a boring hike today because we hiked beside the highway all day, not very fun. We came to a little town and took our first break after 2.5 hours. There was this large church there...but it was closed of course, but my dad´s Hungarian lady friend said that it would be open at 10:30, so we waited. At 10:30 we all made our way to the church, beautiful. But before I let my words get away from me, dad is going to talk about this in his post, so I will shut up about that.
In the whole town that we were in, there was not a place to go to the washroom. No where, so dad and I both decided that we would wait till we were out of town for a bit, and then find a little bush and go to the washroom. I had spotted a perfect place, but dad stole it, so I had to climb into bushes and prickels all for going to the bathroom, well worth it I might add.
only 6 km left till desination. I asked dad how many steps there were in a kilometer. Dad said that today we were going to do about 21,000 steps! that alot. I started counting when we had 3km left to the 2km left sign and I got 1264 steps, not bad.
when we were almost in the town, there was this big flock of sheep on the trail, with a shepherd. Yes, that right, you read it right, a flock of sheep with a shepherd. They were just waking on the trail infront of us, dad and I both wondered how we would get past them, but with just one little wistle, the sheepdog made all the sheep move over so we could get past, pretty amazing.
So tonight we are staying in a Monostary, 13th century. A very nice place, with single beds, no bunks!!!!! Tonight dad and I are going to go to a concerto, hopefully, that is going to happen in the church there. Should be interesting.
Well, to mr. Alles, you would love to do this hike, it is amazing!!!!!
And to everyone else, thanks for the comments, and see you in a month.
Ta Ta
No i´ll just add my 20 cents worth. I am not going to talk about the hike. it was basically not that exciting today. there was this trail beside the road for most of the way and that´s it. they do thta to attract >Spanish tourists, they are called sendas.
So instead you need to start looking for other interesting things and here it is. we entered the church Jakob was talking about. Imagine this; built in the 13th centurey by the knights Templar, protecotrs of the pilgrimm roads. it was very high, and neat to see. and tucked away in a corner stood this wee little organ, kind of like a cupboard. Jakob, braver than his dad, asked the guy if I could play on it,and I was. So the guy, plugged in the pump, no manual pumping this time, opened up the cupboard doors to reveal the pipes and took off the cover of the key board. Then i got to play, lovely sound, you have no idea. Soft little flutes. i just played for a bit and ended with playing psalm 98. When the last chord was played it reverberated throughout the building for about 4 seconds. And what was also cool was that the audience included Felipe, son of King ferdinand III and his wife who have been patiently lying there for hundreds of years, waiting for just this moment. that was the highlight of the day. Keep thos comments coming, as we go back on the trail tomorrow, sometimes in silence, sometimes siinging songs, from Les Mis to Swing Low.
"Sing to the Lord a new song".



Anonymous said...

Im starting to get excited to do the walk next yesr myself.But ciska sadly to say can not miss me for a whole mont so instead I can do it by car with Trisha or so should be fun and a lot faster.I really would see the pictures of that old church and the organ.

I got the tickets in the mail today for the ajax game so thats arranged.

Keep walking and singing

Anonymous said...

Hey Jakob

I saw today those shirts from the dutch team here in zuidhorn for only 10 euro's also from other teams like the spanish team.
The guy thought they will still there at the time you come back


Anonymous said...

Jacob & Klaas
Woke to light rain showers...once again we are in the 'variable mode'.
Enjoy reading all the details like sheep, food, beds, bushes (they work well for girls too), and especially the organs and the songs you sing.
Thea E. reads your blog when she gets on internet...she & Betty are doing well.
stay cool,

Anonymous said...

hi doris

Anonymous said...

hey u2 pilgrims!!!! Talk about nasty, bush bathroom, ewwwww. Don't use poison ivy leaves, u only got feet massagers, not butt ones. Oh that church, and Ferdinand, was just a clapping, smiling, grinning, singing, along with you, so cool, ok mayhaps his wife too. Good thing Jakob asked about that organ. Hey Jakob, u should've taken ur flute, u2 could've had a concert, raise money for the cokealalas, and feet rubs. 21 days and no dishwashers, but no worries mates, they are done, dryed and put away. And no one to do the shoppings. Dem two items I totally miss u2. Hey another song for u2: keep on swim, oops, keep on walking, keep on walking........... Then look behind urselfs and ask the persons behind you: Are you following me? Klaas the apple trees are loaded like I said b4, but Evalin and I raked up hundreds of small apples that fell of the trees. Unreal, maybe too dry? Anywho u2 have a wonderful, beeyootiful, nobushful, sheepful, cokalala ful, pilsful, wineful, awesome God filled day. Hey love u2 around the freshly varnished table!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

sorry I forgot:
Unto the hills lift your eyes.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a wonderful experience with that organ. An just think, a king listening. Betty and are are just fine. We´re in Palas de Rei, a small town in a rather crumby albergue, but hey, it´s a comfortable bed and my feet need a rest. 70 more km to go for us. Keep smilling and go with God.

TBH said...

Wonderful stories you tell, even if some should not be imagined (the bush ones)! The organ and crypty story was great! Keep on walkin', we are thinking of you!
The other Thea (London ON)

Anonymous said...

hi thea out in london

Anonymous said...

hey Thea, the pilgrim, read ur comment, and a song can to mind. One, two, skip a few 799. 800.!!! Happy bussing and trekking the last bit with Betty,

Anonymous said...

Hi Trish
Yes, we did skip a few and not even feeling bad about it. My feet are getting tired. Love my trip, Betty doing well. We are 44 km east of Satiago. What an amazing experience. Jakob and Klaas, we miss you. Never get any lunch since Betty doesn´t do lunch.


Jakob Kort said...

well mrs Ewald, just to let you know, dad and I stop everyday for at least 30mins to have lunch!! And you will not believe the Gebakjes!!!!!! Wonderful