Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 24,25/ Astorga/Acebo/Ponferrada, 215km left!

Sorry about no internet, we were in a beautiful town on the mountain side, very nice. All the roofs were slate no red clay. Anyways, about our days.
Yesterday dad and I woke up at around 6 and were out the door by 630. Today was only going to be a 24km hike, nice and easy, to the top of the mountain, yippy!
So we started hiking, and we were over joyed by the sceanery that we got to see. It was very nice, finally we got to see mountains after 7 days of hiking on the plains. So we hiked and we hiked and we hiked, till we got to this little town where we stopped. It was the end of the trail for some people, but not for dad and I, we were feeling just awesome. So we hiked another 5km, we hiked up 300meters in 5km, so a little bit of a steep climb. When we got to the top, the rest of the people that we were hiking with stopped, but again, not dad and I, we just kept on trucking. This spot was going to be our origonal stopping place, 24km, but no, we went farther.
We got to the cross that dad mentioned last time, got a picture of me beside it. There was a whole wack of tourists there also. It was really cool, because this was the place where we were supposed to bring a rock from home and throw it over our shoulder and then all of our troubles would be rid of. But of course, first of all, we don't have any trouble, including blisters Doris, and yes, we forgot to take a rock from home, so we just kept on walking. Next stopm hippy place.
So we hiked for another 4 km and we got to this hippy place. It was in the middle of no where with no electricity and no plumbing. We stopped there and we bought 2 post cards, one for laura and one for danielle,but we were not going to sleep in that place guessed it....... we kept on walking. We walked for another 7.3km or so, to a place called Acebo. We had to decline 300m in a matter of km, really really steep. So we got to Acebo at around 4, and we had hiked for 10hours, for a total of 38.4km!!!! Talk about a long hike. Dad and I were not even as tired as the day before. So we just walked around the town, and watched Tour de France with a bunch of Belgians, and then had dinner. Dad had Spinach Pissgetti, and I had Normal Pissgetti, dad and I thought, both out of the package, but still really good. After dinner I went straight to bed, I was tired afterall, dad, being the rebel, still stayed up and had another beer, sitting on a bench in front of the pub where we had early seen a raving arguement between to old guys about who knows what. There was one word that the one guy kept on saying Colchones, which mean in Spanish, Kloo.....ak, explicit. dad I and really had a good laugh about that. Anyways, we both had an amazing sleep.
we were only going to hike 18km today to Ponferrada, nice and easy. It was all down hill, no uphill, kinda hard on the knees. We got here at 11,30, and we had to wait till 2 till the ablequerque would open, so we just sat and talked to people. Once it was open it was like a mad rush to get first inline, me being quick and smart, quickly ran to second place in the line, but... there was a second line forming to my right, where one of our friends, who we had met while he was dancing to an amazing guitar player who played the guitar behind his back. The owner of the place said ther was only one line allowed, so, our friend, budged infront of us. That was fine with dad and I. When it was his turn get his book stamped and pay for the night, he let us go infront of him, what a nice guy. He said a bunch of Spanish that made no sense to dad and I, we just nodded and said Si. Well we are now in our room 2bunk beds in one room and we are going to go to the castle soon, and look for a phonecard so I don't have to waste dads money throwing coins down a credit card slot of the phone machine.....don't ask. well, that is all for today, tomorrow we are hiking to......never mind, you will find out tomorrow.
-On all the peaks lies peace!
-Jakob, and klaas


Anonymous said...

hey u2, 38 clicks, WOW!!!! the scenery, soooo cool, mountains, hills, no plains, good for the ole knees eh? u2 have to use dem also. Hey are ur walking shoes worn out yet? Thea's plane arrived in Smithers a while ago, weird walking in Spain and the next day home again. Welcome back Thea. Another beeyootiful day here. A grizzly was seen at Rod and Gun club, so the kids have to stay close by the house. Am almost finished staining the neighbour's greenhouse, and the table needs 1 more coat of varnish, it looks good. Next I plan on building a sandbox, got the wood, maybe this aft. Good to read ur chipper blogs and glad u2 are doing good. Till next time. God bless, and love u2 round the stained greenhouse! The next time u2 are on top of that mountain, take the time and sing: Shout to the north and the south, sing to the east and the west, Jesus is Saviour to all, Lord of heaven and earth!!

Anonymous said...

hey u2, good to hear ur voices 5 minutes ago! I shall check out the castle on google earth. Check ur email for the girl's address, talk to u later.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for singing today in Spain I was hoping that you would do that in Spanish but hey next year maybe
I just missed you tonight on msn jakob Renske was calling me that you where on line but I was busy making good food on the BBQ
Next tine better


Anonymous said...

You guys are crazy. I thought my 32 km day was the limit. Well, my hat off to you. Betty and I are both safely at home in our own towns again. Had a great trip home. Flight from Spain 2 hours late so we had to do some scambling but we made it. Keep up the great hiking. Nice weather here in Smithers.


Anonymous said...

almost there guys, keep on truckin' haha enjoy those hills for Jakob don't worry mom does miss you too, everytime i see here she talks about you guys, have fun ttyl
stephanie and the kids and hubby!

Anonymous said...

Hello Klaas & Jakob

I've only just began reading your blog. It sounds like you guys are having the experiene of a lifetime!
What a gift!!


Anonymous said...

hey u2, Stephanie, James, Rob, Rick and Mark went fishing at Loon Lake, Stephanie caught da most. Truus came over with wine, and Danielle took the rest of the kids. Had a good supper, and Evalin is sleeping over, tomorrow its water water chicken and whatever, tonight we had fresh spinach from Lorna, ohhhh sooo good. Well happy trekking this day and God bless. Love u2 round the freshly mowed lawn, and oh I wish it would rain like buckets of water, we need it soooooo badly.
ps. hi theas
pps hi nordeen, sell ur house, all packed? call me.
ppps Klaas, sing All is well with my soul, like Winnie does, and don't laugh too hard.

Anonymous said...

sorry I forgot, but the moon is coming over the horizon, it looks sssoooooo neat, and megga light from it, just to let u2 know. and this morn at 6 the sun was bright, big, beeyootiful and the moon wuz also out, just like u2 saw. hey have a good one.