Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 26- Ponderrada-Villafranca- 196km left.

so today was a 23 km hike, nice and easy. Last night was really cool, this english guy from london england played some music on his guitar that he had written, it was not very good. Apperently it is just fine if you smoke weed in a public place, but yeah, what ever. I had an amazing sleep, didnt want to get up in the morning, but hey, what else was I going to do. so we started hiking after eating a granola bar and drinking a hot chocolate, coffee con leche for my dad. today was supposed to be very, but the first part wasn´t. We walked beside the road most of the time, but then we turned off the road into kilometers and kilometers of grapes, lots of vineyards. It was very cool, got a lot of pictures of that, so far 684pictures taken. ummm, nothing really exciting happened today, besides the fact that we got under the 200km mark, we drank to that. so we got to the Albequerque, and went to our beds. The internet was free again, but it was not working, and they didn´t know why, so from the skills that my awesome cousin, rick meima, taught me, I made it work. So I checked all the comments that you guys put on the blog, very good people, Gracias. So tonight was going to be omeletes for supper,hmmm eggs. So we bought all the stuff, first having to walk through an open air market which I am sure my dad will comment about, very cool. We got to the albequerque after shopping and we decided that I would start making supper at 4:00. it was 3:15 so I decided to take a nap, I set the watch alarm for 4. When it was 4 o´clock I was awaken, not by the alarm, but by my dad, I had not heard the alarm at all. So I started making supper. One problem, we were not allowed to fry anything in the kitchen, only boil. Sooooo.... I made hard boiled eggs, which we put on the freshest bread that we have had the whole trip, along with ham and really good cheese(Queso). Also along with it we had a bottle of 1.45€ Rijoa white semi sweet wine, very good. So the day was good, it is currently 7:00 but still 31 degrees. yikes. so, we shall see you in a few weeks, keep on reading the blog. tomorrow is a nice hike, but the day after we climb 1200meters. Shall be good fun. Anyways, have a good one all of you.
And tomorrow night we shall toast to you, all of the you people that are reading the blog, thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jakob & Klaas!

I just started reading your blog, it sounds like you are having a great time! Hope you guys are taking a ton of pictures! :)
