Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Post from dad

Finally it is my turn to write. Everything Jakob said is true. I am just having a great time. Today we again saw many of the pilgrims thta we met earlier on on the trail. Weeven got a reputation already: The fast HIKERS;they see us in the morning and that´s it until we arrive. We wxplored the town a little bit today, Jakob treated me to ice cream and we visited a medieval bridge at the edge of town. After that we went fo a walk with Betty and Thea, who like usual were intereted in snacking again. We found a place to eat for the night. There is a standard three course dinner known as a pilgrim´s menu, so far it has been good. We have had trout, macaroni, bread and more bread and soup and bread. Today´s hike went fabulous, the knees did not even hurt. But it is always good to arrive at the end of the journey. I am still workingon my Spanish, but it is coming along, I can order food and drink and ask how much things cost. Today I also had to do the laundry, the socks smelled pretty raunchy, and I am out of underwear right now. The best part of the day is taking a shower, first warm them cold.
After our walkabout we did the foot rub. It´s a daily routine and feels wonderful. Jakob does mine, and I do his. Thea, always looking for ways to make a buck, is offering services to foreigners.
Tonight we are sleeping with about 50 othe pilgims, so it will be much quieter than yesterday, whne we had 120 in one room. We also went to a mass for the pilgrims last night. We did not understand a word of it, except for the word CANADA, when they listed all the countries present. At least wwe all got blessed by the priest.
Tomorrowit isoff to Pamplona, it is about 20 km, and no big climbs or descends. Should be a breeze.
The pilgrims are really friendlytowards each other. For example, right now one of them offered Jakob and me some warm broccoli soup, and that is how it goes. Hopefully that will continue as we hike on. At first it seemed like an impossible thing to do, but now that we are actually doing it, it is obvious that it is possible. We are thinking of all the people at home and we hope you all have a wonderful summer as well. Don´t forget to post your comments, we love that.




Anonymous said...

Klaas & Jakob,
Every morning I check the blog to see how far 'we've' :-) come on this interesting and all of you are doing so well.
Keep encouraging Thea to massage the foreigners' feet for cash...more $ to spend on ice-cream for all of you.
Canada Day....started sunny and ended with storm and rain....nice again this a.m.

Anonymous said...

How's it going.
Laura is in the hospital right now but no baby yet. I will Try and Post Pictures Right a way on my Blog when we have the baby.
any way we enjoy reading about the hike hope you are having fun. the kids were wondering why Opa & Jakob weren't Camping @ Tyee Lake. -Jason O

Anonymous said...

nou broertje dat valt me niet tegen van jullie klinkt als of het geen moeite kost om iedere dag zo'n eind te lopen.Geniet er volop van en maak veel foto's voor las jullie terug zijn.

Heb het goed


Anonymous said...

hey hey you 2!! wow sounds like a blast, wish i could be there. i loved the stories you're all telling, it reminds me of a book. well im glad things are going well and im sure there is no shortage of fun!! love you both and keep trecking (these boats were made for walking!) love Danielle

Unknown said...

Hallo Klaas en Jakob,

Klinkt allemaal erg leuk! Nog ff volhouden :).
We zullen een wijntje klaar zetten

Rob en Truus

Anonymous said...

Dad & Jakob
I'm Reading your post sitting by myself in a hot hospital room, getting look from the nurses as i laugh out loud. Sounds like you're having a blast. is the t-shirt we got you a easy to clean as I was told jakob? Take it easy on dad you want him to last the whole hike! jason has been bringing me print outs of your adventures so please keep them coming. and yes we are having a great summer.... have fun, and dad don't work jakob too hard. love you Laura

TBH said...

Seems strange to hear that I'm on the hike with you and earning extra money, when I know I'm sitting in my office at home in London Ontario Canada.
Hey, way to go, you too, keep the stories coming!
The other Thea