Thursday, July 3, 2008

Klaas blogs in again

Hello all. Thanks for sending your comments. It has been quite a day again. This time we made record time, we were on th eroad at 6;20. All the rain fell overnight, so it was dry again and it promised to be a great day once more. Th first part of our hike was throug wet forests, water dripping on our heads constantly. What was even more challengin g was that nothing was open for our morning cupof coffee. We just kept on walking and walking, until we arrived in the suburbs of Pamplona, and behold there was a place where we could sit and have our cafe con leche, coffee with steamed milk.
Pamplopna turned out ot be a lovely city. After we got settled in our refugio (only 5 euors tonight) we took a shower and checked out the facilities. There was a fully stocked kitchen, so we´re cooking dinner tonight.
Jakob an dI decided to check out the city and buy some groceries. We saw a real life bull fighting ring. The famous running of the bulls is this weekend, and the whole town is gearing up for it. We were surprised how quiet it was on the streets, but more about that later. We found a store and bought port and beans, weiners, yogurt and wine of course, and a baguette.
Whe we got back we had our devotions. We were joined by Frederice, a handicapped young man form Italy who is doing the hike with his ever so patient dad. he can´t talk but he sure likes his sweets.
Anyway, after devotions we cooked our dinner. It was great! >While we were cooking we listened to one of the pilgrims singing and playing his guitar.
Afte dinner it was time for a snooze. i found a Dutch book in the library here, which I can take with me. A very interesting story. At about 7, Jakob, Betty and I went back up town. It had undergone a complete transformation, the streets were crowded wtih thousands of people, all having a good time, walking, talking and shopping. On the main plaza there was a traditional Navarra band playing traditional muisc. All around us people started dancing, especially the women. it was soooo cool. WE watched for a while from a patio on the side, enjoying a beer, before we started back for the refugio. We don´t want to be too late, after all, tomorrow is another 25 km. Things are going well though. No blisters, no rain, no extreme heat. Today was only 20 degrees, so great for hiking. Thea is usually tired at the end, so she needs her nap while we go around and do other things. All in all another wonderful day. Don´t forget to post your comments. Hearing from you is really great. Excsue the typos, there are oonly 20 minutes available. Shalom!
Klaas and Jakob.


TBH said...

Say "hi" to Thea for me and tell her I completely understand her needing that nap!! I get tired just reading about all your travels....
The other Thea

P.S. Say why doesn't Trisha write any comments? Come on, Trish!!! Admit you eagerly read their journalling every day.

Anonymous said...

well this time in dutch english, sounds you are having a great time and to bad you are not in Pamplona forr the bull run,I would love to see you run for those animals.It is amazing to me that you can do this everyday but maybe I would do it to....(well in a car I quess.)
Say hi to jakob and tomorrow I will comment on his part.


Anonymous said...

Howdy you 2 I mean 4 way out in Spain. Yes I have read all the blogs, and comments. Wow it sounds like you are having scads of fun. Its like reading a book, quite entertaining, I can imagine the scenery and the places. Wish I had come along, you 2 could have taken turns carrying me!!!!haha, cuz I really don't have boots made for hiking! I would have filled up suitcases buying the shops out. No blisters? Amazing, good to hear that you get feet massages, glad to read that you do your own laundry, and cooking, rotdogs and beans, how nasty is that?lol. Yes I am surviving without you, keeping busy in the gardens, and mowing, since we had a smidge of rain, things are a little greener on this side of the world. Camp was hot and fun. Had a flat on the trailer, oh joy oh bliss, but James helped. The other morn I watched a bear climb over and wreck the kloppen fence, nasty critter, he even chased Roo, then hightailed it over 2 over fences. Its warm out here, nice weather for relaxing. A baby girl was born this morn, at 8:25. Peyton Breanne Onderwater, 7-11. All is good, cute little baby, nice colour. Laura is tired by seems to be fine, Scook just poked at her face the whole time!!! I finally fingered out as to comment, not that I didn't want to, I tried 2x and shall try again. Jason told me what to do. And Jakob that little bird of yours is God's way of keeping you and dad in his hands, telling you that there is more to life than food and drink, and He cheered you up! I prob wouldv'e thought the same as you. Hey Klaas pretty good for an OPA to keep up, I'm proud of you,and Jakob give that old man a break once in a while eh? Well I miss you both like heck, a bushel and a peck, and a hug around the neck. Take care, and happy hiking and shoppings! God bless.
hi other thea in London

TBH said...

Hey girlfriend... congrats to both Opa and Gramma with the new little grandbaby!

attagirl said...

It's nice to be able to follow along on your adventures! Looking forward to reading more.

We've got you beat in the weather department. 32c. It will be cooling off though.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Hey Opa gefeliciteerd met nog een prachtige kleindochter moet je nu wel helemaal vleugels geven.
Trish ook gefeliciteerd vanuit een warm nederland
