Tuesday, July 1, 2008

day 1 and day 2

Well, as I said, we made it to St. Jean. When we got there we went to the little office and a duth guy helped us and explained to us the tough legs of the hike and such. So after a little shopping around for a waterbottle, I forgot mine, we were off. Dad and I both decided that mom would go crazy in the town, because there was so many different little stores with cool stuff in it, and the open air market. So we started walking and it was going just fine, nice and easy and flat until 20 minutes into the hike it started to incline......and it didn´t stop!! We stopped after an hour of hiking and took off our boots and looked at the beautiful sceanery, it was amazing. So after 10 minutes of sitting there and catching our breath, we started to hike again, like I said, the incline did not stop. I knew that it was a shorter hike so I just went as hard as I could, with in reason, and we made it to the top within two hours, it is supposed to take 3. We hiked some more and then we got to our stay for the night. It was called the Orison Auberge. It was a beautiful place. We had a nice sight of the whole valley because we were so high up. We had climbed around 900 meters. So the place we stayed at had a little deck that looked over the valley and there was a restaurant and sleeping place accross the road. One of the people running it was a British Guy, and everytime he talked, I imitated what he said because I love the english accent. So Dad and Betty had a beer and Mrs. Ewald had a water, and I had one of the best cokes I have ever had in my life, mind you I could have drunk dirty water and it would have tasted pretty good. For lunch we all had a baguette with Jambon and Cheese. It was amazing! After having a shower and doing laundry, since we sweat so much that day, we sat on the deck for abit and then ate dinner. Dinner consisted of Soup, lamb, and some kind of bean soupish stuff. at around 9 we went to bed. Great sleep. For break fast, we had a bowl of Coffee or Tea, yes a bowl, like a soup bowl, and bread with Jam, very good. So we started off again.
WE started off the hike with a large hill, and it took a while to climb. Once we started getting up higher it was getting really really windy, like it was so windy it was almost knocking me over. There was also a lot of sheep, and wild horses. I have to keep this short because I only have 6 minutes to type. We crossed the France Spainish border. Walked through mud, and saw alot of beautiful sceanery. We also hike up to the second highest point of the trail, 1450 meters, we started hiking at 200 meters. We after a much longer hike, we made it to Roncesvalles. There is a big Monastary there. Tonight we are going to stay in a place with 120 other people, in one room, so it will be interesting, it is currently 28 degrees and really sunny. We are going to cool off in a little creek down the road, I shall try right again. Tomorrows hike is 27kms long. And Eilko, my dad says, if tickets for the game is not to expensive, buy two for me and him, and one for you of course. Thank you all reading it again, talk to you all soon, keep leaving posts!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

well sounds you have fun overthere o not walk to fast and drink a lot (water that is off course)
Tickets are from about 32 euro High in the stadium to about 66 euro (at the pitch) so let me know I am still on holiday so I can not make it to go with you and also I do not like to go in that stadium where Ajax plays if it was in Rotterdam ..... Ahh well let met know what you want

Have fun Eilko

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading about your 'adventure' and especially about Thea....you go, girl! Klaas too :-)