Friday, July 4, 2008

day 5

Ok, this is getting me very depressed. You guy comment on my dad´s posts way more than mine!! whats with that???? Anyways, day 5..
Today we were not allowed out of the abergue till 6:30, so we got to sleep in. We all woke up at 6. At 6:30 we were out the door and on our way. We walked for 10 mintues and then noticed we were walking the wrong way, so we turned around and started walking the right way. Pamplona is a very big city you know. Anyways, we walked until we got to a town, which I forget the name of, and we looked for some where to eat. We did find some place and for 4:50€ we had 3 coffee and one colacoa (hot chocolate), and mini bagettes. After eating that we continued on our way. We had to hike 24 km today. The weather about 29 degrees, very nice and sunny. After about 2 hours of hiking I decided that it was time for us to take a break, and of course, I found the perfect spot, hehe, dad helped me. We got to sit on a bench in the nice shade of a tree. B-e-a-u-tiful. we all had an apple and a piece of toblerone, hmmmmmm. On we went. We had to climb allitle bit today, nice and steep, mrs. ewald was wanting to stop every 15 minutes to take a break, dad and I just kept on truckin´. We stopped at another little town at around 11:15 and had lunch. This consisted of, coke for me, Fanta pop for the others, bagette with gouda and some meat thing. Very good. So in the heat of the day we went on hiking to our destination. 2.4km to our destination we stopped at a little park and we met some one that we had met in the first stop we made, her name is nadia.
Ok this is really bad, I cannot remember any names of any towns today, and remember what our destination is where Nadia is from, ah well doesn´t matter.
Her name is Nadia, we talked to her for a bit, and watched some young guys play this game that we think is a national sport, kinda like squash. For the last 2.4km I just went as fast as I could and passed many people. I have to say I did not hike as fast as I have the last few days, my feet have been a little bit sore. we got here at around 1:30, took showers and now we are waiting for Mrs. Ewald to rest up before we go and look at the town for a bit and buy some ice cream.
I have to say we have been treated very well so far, the beds have been amazing the food, it is just awesome, I was not expecting it to be like this. I have having an absolute blast!! Only 29 days to go.....oh wow.
I just want to say congrats to Laura and Jason on the birth of their new baby girl, she is beautiful. Hope you are feeling good laura. Also it is nice to see that mom finally found out how to comment on here, good, don´t forget to look everyday mom, is roo ok? does she miss me? To mrs. alles, thank you for commenting and I am also looking forward to giving you the power point presentation, so far I have 170 pictures.
And to all the others who have commented, thank you very much, and this time I am expecting more comments on mine than my dads.
Have a great day everyone.
Bye bye


Anonymous said...

Okay jakob I well get those tickets for you two but omly when you stop calling me uncle makes me feel real old.


Anonymous said...

Hi jakob and klaas,

Sounds like you guys are having a great time. What an excellent way to spend the summer - you are making me jealous.
Do you guys stay in hostels or something like that at night?
Is this an organized hike? With other people?
jakob - when you say the girls are better in spain, what exactly do you mean? can you be a little specifac....
Anyway, have a good time and take ity easy. We will talk to you later.

Dave and Theresa Bos

Anonymous said...

Hey sonny, every morn with coffee I read ur blurp. Keep on walking and writing, I can picture myself with you. I'm glad you take time out to stop and smell the landscape!!!! Take care of dem feet, they are the last pair you got. Eating good eh? Roo is totally fine, of course she misses you and dad. And better looking girls? Rob agrees with you! Guys are all the same, hyperbole. Alls well here, and yes I miss you two also, like around the 'bloomin' rose bush!!!!! Hey Klaas, take care of ur feet also. And take megga pics. Happy trekking tomorrow. Love ya

TBH said...

Aw Jakob I'm almost feelin' so sorry for you - NOT!! Whose the one in friggin' Spain? Walking' his feet off? Running, more like? Well this comment will have to do...

Anonymous said...

When I traveled with Thea E. (well, once) at the end of the day she made everyone say 1 good thing and 1 bad thing that happened during that day. Has she done this with you? It really is kind of fun to hear the responses.