Monday, July 7, 2008

It was a long hike today

Hi everyone. it was a long hike today. We woke up at 5:40 and were on the road by 6:15. Even had coffee in between. Why are we actually punishing ourselves like this? I don´t know, maybe it is becasue of all the good things that happen at the end of the trail. It is just such a good feeling to be able to put your back pack on your bunk, take out your sleeping bag and know that you can rest your weary bones. What is even better is the shower that is waiting. First hot than cold and colder until you can´t stand it anymore. The hike today started out great, we made good progress. But we knew it wold be a long one today. Thea had a hard time keeping up, she only wants to do 5 km tomorrow. Betty is cruising. She walked by herslf for quite a while, and in that time she solved all the world´s problems. Today is our turn tomake dinner. I think we´re due for a good old fashioned Dutch meal, you know, the meat and potatoes kind of food. But that comes later, stores don´t open until about five in the afternoon.
The weather is getting hotter. It is about 25 right now and mostly sunny. Too bad for you guys in Smithers:) For the rest it was a rather uneventful day. jakob has made some new friends again. He is now taking Spanish lessons, and teaches them English. We also saw pictures on Jason´s website. Peyton looks wonderful. Can´t wait to see her.
Well, that is about all for me today. Keep those comments coming.



Anonymous said...

Hey Jakob its really kewl how you guys get to go hiking and stuff. Are you sure you are not chaseing around girls sure sounds like it. I hope you are having a good time and if your not that sure would be a pitty. what kind of Spanish words have you learned?

All the best from: Julia

Laura said...

Punishing yourselves why??? Because otherwise you'd be camping here in the rain...'cause we all know what happens when Dad goes camping!! it Rains! So suck it up and keep walking:) Love ya!~Laura

Anonymous said...

hi Klaas, bemember me? Just think instead of hiking this wonderful, aching, blistery, weary, eventful, scenic, adventurous, awesome pilgramage, u could be weedwhacking, firewooding, poopscooping, studentdisciplining, parentdealing, wifenagging{i still can!!!} grandkidswhining, pianoroomcleaning, gutterwashing, hey all kinds of things:). Hey still glad to read that u have things to look forward to. Enjoy that part of God's world, I look forward to all dem pictures. Just think, only 620 clicks left!!!! Alls well on this side of the world, same old, lots of rain, and weeds. Have a good weary day tomorrow. love u round the weedwhacker. trish

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, its great to read about you, you write so well it's like we are there with you 9 just km behind . . .) I can imagine the thrill it was to play the ancient organ Klaas, and so early in the trip!
Jakob you are the youngest in the group and it sound like the one with the most energy! I enjoyed the story of the bird.
Betty you seem to be cruising, and a nurse to Thea at the same time. Sure do miss you - it sounds like the foot treatments are on the other foot this time - than the West Coast trail!
Thea nurse that foot and enjoy the moments! Glad that you enjoyed the cards and devotions. God bless,
Jenny Hartman